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Success Stories of Clients – Zuhra Osmanbegović

In the village Pribava, near Gračanica, Zuhra Osmanbegović brings creativity and dedication to her daily work of decorating items using the decoupage technique. Her entrepreneurial story began out of a love for handicrafts and has grown into an activity that generates income.

Zuhra is the first in her family to engage in this type of work. Her hands are skillful not only in decoupage but also in crocheting and knitting, as a result of years of dedication to handmade crafts. Although she works alone, she finds her business to be a source of joy rather than a burden, as it allows her to create something beautiful and useful.

Her products, including trays, coasters, jars, and other decorative items, are made using water-based paints, ensuring they are safe for use in any household. It’s not just the decoupage technique that gives her creations their charm, but also the carefully chosen motifs and patterns that make each piece unique.

Zuhra has been a client of the EKI Microcredit Foundation and is grateful for the excellent cooperation. In addition to this support, she highlights the encouragement she received from the Women’s Association of Pribava, where she learned the decoupage technique and gained the opportunity to turn her creativity into a sustainable business.

Zuhra has a clear message for anyone considering starting a business: do what you love, and success will inevitably follow. She mainly sells her handmade products through online platforms, which have proven to be an effective way for customers to find her. Satisfied customers, she says, are the greatest reward for all the effort she puts into her work.

EKI Business Club

Regarding EKI’s free advertising service, Ms. Zuhra shared the following: "I’ve known about the EKI Business Club for a long time, and I’m glad that as an EKI client, I have the opportunity to advertise my products through their ads."

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